Research Information with Brief Project Introduction
Researcher & Author: Ghazala Miftah
IDS Mastermind / Architect
Founder/ CEO at Dexign 3D
IDS Mastermind / Architect
Founder/ CEO at Dexign 3D
Founder’s Note
Dexign 3D is focused on solving some major problems in the building industry project delivery including climate change issue of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by buildings through its platform IDS (Innovative Design System) with new innovative technology C – MG. IDS is reinventing project delivery for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry incorporating innovative & high-end technologies, innovating new and simplifying existing complex functions in workflows through I – BOT Series, improving project communication via OS-GO, introducing efficient project language model GLM and enhancing project monitoring system CL – DG saving extensive capital ($Billions) wasted annually in current practices. We are on the growth trajectory currently seeking capital and workforce to accelerate the progress. Our company’s brand statement is “Innovation Has No End” and we strongly believe in the power of innovation to make this world a better place. After reading the background and description if you find interest in more information about project IDS, to support our innovative journey, to collaborate with us or invest in us, please send message at [email protected] or call at (949)836 -7341. For existing energy standards our recommendation is to incorporate C – MG technology solution, part of IDS, Climate Smart I-BOT, Cbr.Boz for all building types, scales, and locations for real results.
Recommended for all existing standards: C – MG technology solution, part of IDS, Climate Smart I – BOT, Cbr. Boz.
already deriving policy change”.
Reference Content, Articles, and Reports
10 CFR Part 433(up to date as of 8/23/2022) Energy Efficiency Standards for the Design and Construction 2021_Better_Plants_Progress_Updates 2022 Title 24 CA Code Changes Changes The Uniform Methods Project: Methods for Determining Energy Efficiency Savings for Specific Measures (January 2012 – September 2016) BGS Environmental Sustainability Report 2021/2022 Highlights annual- progress-report-2021/ Better Buildings (US Department of Energy) Approaches for Achieving Zero Energy Ready: Maximizing Efficiency and Controlling Costs BGS Environmental Sustainability Strategy California Energy Commission Report Electric Program Investment Charge 2021 Annual Report Clean Buildings Legislative Report Washington State Department of Commerce LEED_V4 for Building Design and Construction Delivering Climate Responsive Resilient Building Codes and Standards Findings from the global resiliency dialogue survey of building code stakeholders in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Better Buildings (U.S. Department of Energy) Stepping Up to the Challenge Together – Progress Report 2022 Executive Order 13514 Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance Comprehensive Federal Fleet Management Handbook January 2014 FSOC (Financial Stability Oversight Council) Report on Climate-Related Financial Risk 2021 Better Building (U.S Department of Energy) Better Buildings Alliance Plug and Process Loads (PPLs) Team Webinar, May 25, 2021 Gold Standard Offsetting Guide Carbon Offsetting What you need to know to take action against climate change Greening The Codes May 2011 Update Better Building (U.S Department of Energy) How Buildings of All Shapes and Sizes are Becoming Zero Energy Users December 2019 ISO 26000, Guidance on Social Responsibility Discovering ISO 26000 ISO Guide 84 2020 (en) Guidelines for addressing climate change in standards Better Building (U.S Department of Energy) Low Carbon Technologies: Strategies for different Building Types April 5, 2022 SEC Proposed Rule 2022 RIN 3235-AM87 The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors SPM Version report LR Summary for Policymakers Building Energy Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings For the 2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Title 24, Part 6 and associated administrative regulations in part 1 Better Building (U. S. Department of Energy) Low carbon technologies: Strategies for different building types USGBC Green Building and ESG What you need to know Better Building (U.S Department of Energy) Zero Energy Buildings From dream to reality in public and private sectors |
Background and Description
If all power plants and industrial buildings and facilities can switch over to net zero carbon energy source at this time, we’ll still be left with a substantial amount of CO2 in the atmosphere which can cause climate change and ultimately affect planet earth. According to the scientific research conducted in the last two decades on climate change issue, it would take a long time for atmospheric levels to return to normal which could potentially mean a long time of global warming and instability. To bring the atmospheric levels down below the safety thresholds, emitting CO2 should be controlled immediately along with actively removing the gas from the air. Carbon capture technologies have been introduced to capture and store carbon from the air, but we are unable to control the amount currently produced and the technologies have not given desired results yet on global scale. We can clearly see that climate change issue is aggravating every year instead of declining. This means that incremental improvements to all the existing technologies are not enough, and we need something truly disruptive to sustain or reverse the current climate situation. Construction projects accounts for about 40% of the global carbon emissions and in some areas about 70%. This percentage not only includes on-site fossil fuel usage but also the mining and harvesting of raw materials needed for the project. Therefore, sustainability has become extremely important in the building construction industry but it’s not easy to achieve the ideal situation at this time. The construction industry is huge and growing constantly creating employment opportunities for millions of people. It has been estimated by the experts that construction sector will be worth about $15.5 trillion by 2030. This growth is great for the construction companies but could be a disaster for the environment. Concept of net zero construction is popular for a while which means that the production of energy should be equal to the consumption of energy to avoid any greenhouse gas emissions. Net zero buildings needs to have combination of energy demand being low along with the production of clean energy. Scientists at IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) have shown that increased level of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) in the atmosphere are the reason of planet earth’s warming and the major cause of extreme weather changes around the world. This increased climate change issue has caused world countries to come together under the UN (United Nations) and Paris Agreement banners for taking an urgent action to lower the emissions and maintain a habitable planet conditions for supporting world’s population. All these actions are important for the safeguard of most vulnerable ecosystems and communities on the planet. In this current situation, climate finance and actions are falling short to keep up with the internationally ratified targets such as Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). There is a big need to increase ambitions for new and better solutions and mobilize climate finance for achieving desired results. At this point, role of carbon credits is important to achieve the climate change goals and supporting the projects that are focused on reducing, removing, or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon credit is a permit that allows company to emit certain amount of CO2 and other gas emissions and are marked mechanisms for minimizing the global emissions. These credits are generated from projects around the world that are pulling greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere or in other way keep them from being released. ICROA (International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance) are the approved verification standards to ensure that the project is real, verified, and permanent. For transparency reason carbon credits are assigned serial numbers and are issued, transferred, or retired in publicly accessible registries. Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and green practices have gone through massive growth over the last decade. In the global market low carbon strategies and many different products were introduced to fight climate change, while at the same time green building becomes the multi-billion-dollar industry. For almost last two decades, green building has driven the market transformation and the outcome was that thousands of building projects were certified. Today this idea of “green” is growing among the institutional investors, funds, and property companies. The foundation of ESG and green buildings includes the environmental impacts, social goals, building resilience, asset valuation and building performance. Both ESG and green building rating systems like LEED provides transparency for stakeholders, shareholders, building owners, occupants, and the community at all levels. In short, we have analyzed that there are so many efforts including policies, systems, standards, certifications, and much more have been done in the last two decades for resolution of carbon emissions in the atmosphere and to control climate change and global temperatures above 1.5-degree Celsius. Dexign 3D conducted a thorough research and is ongoing for more in depth analysis on current processes and carbon removal technologies in reference to its platform IDS Climate Smart I – BOT, Cbr. Boz, an important ingredient of project delivery nowadays for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry. The major tenure of the Dexign 3D research is last two decades and the focus is on the outcomes those efforts have produced so far in handling the climate change issue. Until now the conclusion of amount of Dexign 3D research conducted so far is that the climate change issue is not sustaining or reversing despite of all the efforts done but is growing every year as we can clearly see with our own eyes. IDS Climate Smart I – BOT, Cbr. Boz by Dexign 3D is a solution for building industry that has a potential to deliver results for climate change issues with implementation strategy included. The product is an important part of AEC industry project delivery these days and is designed to address this key global issue for the new and existing building design and construction. IDS Climate Smart I – BOT, Cbr. Boz is introducing a new carbon emission handling technology C – MG embedded in the complete solution of assessment, analyzation, and recommendation for minimizing buildings greenhouse gas emissions. This product is focused on easy implementation and user-friendly experience while delivering favorable results simultaneously. I call it truly disruptive mechanism and system for removing GHG emissions from the buildings around the world. This seems like a big statement but in real world experience, sometimes a very big problem needs a very simple solution, but we humans think that big problems need big and complicated solutions which in this case of IDS, I – BOTs are not true. IDS (Innovative Design System), mega project by Dexign 3D is reinventing project delivery for the AEC industry incorporating high-end and innovative technologies for an efficient, simple, cost effective and user-friendly project delivery making our existing and future buildings more sustainable with great human experiences. |